The mission of NMED is to develop, promote and maintain a multi-faceted, community-based plan for economic and workforce development services and activities within and surrounding North Madison County.
Advisory Board, Sulphur Springs Lake and HealthPlex
Recently, the Madison County Board of Supervisors appointed the North Madison County Economic Development Council (NMED) as the standing advisory board for development of the Sulphur Springs Lake and Health Complex.
Acessing the Needs of the Citizenry
NMED has held a series of community information and listening sessions and conducted an area wide survey of needs by citizens of North Madison County.
NMED has identified the following discretionary priority groups
- Veteran
- Ex-Offender
- Older Worker (55 or older)
- Long-Term Unemployed (27 weeks or longer)
- Limited English Proficiency Worker
- Single Parent
- Individual with a disability
- Migrant or Seasonal Farmworker
- Youth or Entry Level Worker
- Unstable, inconsistent, or no work history individual
- Housing
Other Identified Needs: Internet access; convenience and grocery stores, housing, health and recreational activities, financial literacy education, training, internships, apprenticeships, startup business, natural gas, and community support.
The mission of this organization is to provide leadership, excellence, and sustainability in progressive economic development for individuals and families in the District 5 communities of north Madison County to enjoy a high quality of life and to build a positive future for youth.
The mission of the North Madison County Economic Development Council is to develop, promote, and maintain a multi-faceted, community-based plan for economic development in the north Madison County communities of District 5. This shall be accomplished by (1) identifying and expediting priorities that demonstrate the greatest potential for economic development in the community; (2) emphasizing and building on the strengths and uniqueness of the community; (3) harnessing local expertise and resources; (4) empowering the community through clear communication, opportunities for personal growth, and an established means to give voice to the community, and (5) working with the Madison County Economic Development Authority and other local, state, and federal entities to access and align resources, eliminate barriers, and promote the delivery of services, programs, housing, and jobs in the north Madison County community.